Aug 24, 2011

Program to Hide ABAP's Source Code and Protect it

Program to Hide ABAP's Source Code and Protect it

Protect ABAP program with this code


* This program hides any ABAP's source code and protects it with a
* password in this source code.
* After hiding, you can still run the abap (the load version is intact)
* but it cannot be displayed, edited, traced, transported or generated.
* If the ABAP is not hidden, the program hides it, if it is hidden, it
* unhide it.
* Remember to hide this program first!

PARAMETERS: password(8) MODIF ID aaa.

DATAmessage(60TYPE c.


    IF screen-group1 = 'AAA'.
      screen-invisible = '1'.

  pwd = 'Password'.


  TABLES: trdir.

* User name and password check
  IF password <> 'ABCDEFG'.
    WRITE: / 'Wrong password'.

* SAP owned?
  IF NOT program CP 'Z*' AND NOT program CP 'Y*'.
    WRITE: / 'Do not hide original SAP programs!'.

* Exists?
  SELECT SINGLE * FROM trdir WHERE name = program.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    WRITE: / 'Program does not exists!'.

* Does it have a current generated version?
  DATA: f1 TYPE d, f3 TYPE d.
  DATA: f2 TYPE t, f4 TYPE t.

  IF f1 < f3 OR ( f1 = f3 AND f2 < f4 ).
    WRITE: / 'The program has no recent generated version!'.

* Compose a new program name
  DATA: new_name(30), i TYPE i, j TYPE i.
  new_name = program.

  DO 30 TIMES.
    i = sy-index - 1.
    new_name+i(1) = '_'.

* Search for acceptable program name variations
    j = 0.

    SELECT * FROM trdir WHERE name LIKE new_name.
      j = j + 1.

    IF j = 1.

    new_name = program.

* Cannot generate appropriate program name
  IF j > 1.
    WRITE: / 'Cannot generate appropriate program name'.

* Check if it is already hidden
  DATA: f5(30).



* There is no such hidden program, hide it
    CONCATENATE 'Program' :program 'was hidden.'
    INTO message SEPARATED BY space.

* There is already a hidden program there, unhide it

    CONCATENATE 'Program' :program 'was restored.'
    INTO message SEPARATED BY space.


  WRITE message.

*** end of program


How To Get The Records from the XML File

How To Get The Records from the XML File

Use these routines to get data/ records from XML


PERFORM f_parse_file USING wv_pifile
                    CHANGING wt_xml_table
                             wt_errdata .
PERFORM f_create_file USING wt_xml_table
                       CHANGING wa_liste_evt  .

*&      Form  F_PARSE_FILE
*       text
*      -->FPU_PIFILE      text
*      -->FPC_WT_XML      text
*      -->FPC_WT_ERRDATA  text
FORM f_parse_file    USING fpu_pifile TYPE string
                  CHANGING fpc_wt_xml TYPE tt_xml_table
                           fpc_wt_errdata TYPE tt_errdata.

  DATA: lo_pixml          TYPE REF TO if_ixml,
        lo_pdocument      TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document,
        lo_pstreamfactory TYPE REF TO if_ixml_stream_factory,
        lo_pistream       TYPE REF TO if_ixml_istream,
        lo_pparser        TYPE REF TO if_ixml_parser,
        lo_pnode          TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node,
        lo_pparseerror    TYPE REF TO if_ixml_parse_error,
        wlv_string        TYPE string,
        wlv_count         TYPE i,
        wlv_index         TYPE i,
        wlv_totalsize     TYPE i,
        wlt_xml_c         TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_xml_c,
        wlt_xml_x         TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_xml_x,
        wlv_xstring       TYPE xstring,
        wla_errdata       TYPE t_errdata.

  PERFORM f_read_file USING fpu_pifile
                   CHANGING wlt_xml_c .
  IF NOT wlt_xml_c IS INITIAL.
        buffer   = wlv_xstring
        text_tab = wlt_xml_c
        failed   = 1.

    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      MESSAGE e030 WITH p_file.

    MESSAGE e020 WITH p_file.
*Convert xstring to binary
      buffer        = wlv_xstring
      output_length = wlv_totalsize
      binary_tab    = wlt_xml_x.
  lo_pixml = cl_ixml=>create( ).

  lo_pdocument = lo_pixml->create_document( ).

  lo_pstreamfactory = lo_pixml->create_stream_factory( ).

  lo_pistream = lo_pstreamfactory->create_istream_itable( table =
                                                          size  =
  lo_pparser = lo_pixml->create_parser( stream_factory =
                                        istream        = lo_pistream
                                        document       = lo_pdocument ).
  IF lo_pparser->parse( ) NE 0.
*Error handling for parser object
    IF lo_pparser->num_errors( ) NE 0.
      wlv_count = lo_pparser->num_errors( ).
      wlv_index = 0.
      WHILE wlv_index < wlv_count.
        lo_pparseerror = lo_pparser->get_error( index = wlv_index ).
        wlv_string = lo_pparseerror->get_reason( ).
        TRANSLATE wlv_string TO UPPER CASE.
*Gets the error description updated in the Error table
        CONCATENATE text-001 wc_colon wlv_string INTO wla_errdata-value.
        wla_errdata-typ = wc_err.
        APPEND wla_errdata TO fpc_wt_errdata.  CLEAR wla_errdata.
        wlv_index = wlv_index + 1.
  CALL METHOD lo_pistream->close( ).
  CLEAR lo_pistream.

  IF wlv_count > 0.
  lo_pnode = lo_pdocument.
  PERFORM f_fill_table USING lo_pnode
                   CHANGING fpc_wt_xml .

  FREE : wlt_xml_c, wlt_xml_x.
ENDFORM.                    " F_READ_FILE
*   -->FPU_WL_PNODE     NODE
FORM f_fill_table   USING value(fpu_wl_pnode) TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node
                 CHANGING fpc_wt_xml_table    TYPE tt_xml_table.

  DATA: wla_xml_wa     TYPE t_xml_list,
        wlv_ptext      TYPE REF TO if_ixml_text,
        wlv_name       TYPE string,
        wlv_value      TYPE string.

  CASE fpu_wl_pnode->get_type( ).
    WHEN if_ixml_node=>co_node_element.
      wlv_name = fpu_wl_pnode->get_name( ).

      wla_xml_wa-name = wlv_name.

      TRANSLATE wla_xml_wa-name TO UPPER CASE.
      APPEND wla_xml_wa TO fpc_wt_xml_table.
      CLEAR wla_xml_wa.

    WHEN if_ixml_node=>co_node_text.
      wlv_ptext ?= fpu_wl_pnode->query_interface( ixml_iid_text ).
      IF wlv_ptext->ws_only( ) IS INITIAL.
        wlv_value = fpu_wl_pnode->get_value( ).
        wla_xml_wa-value = wlv_value.
        MODIFY fpc_wt_xml_table FROM wla_xml_wa
                           INDEX sy-tabix
                    TRANSPORTING value.
        CLEAR wla_xml_wa.
*Do nothing.

  fpu_wl_pnode = fpu_wl_pnode->get_first_child( ).

  WHILE NOT fpu_wl_pnode IS INITIAL.

    PERFORM f_fill_table USING fpu_wl_pnode
                      CHANGING fpc_wt_xml_table .

    fpu_wl_pnode = fpu_wl_pnode->get_next( ).

ENDFORM.                    " F_FILL_NODE

*&      Form  F_CREATE_FILE
*       text
*      -->FPU_WT_XML_TABLE  text
*      -->FPC_WA_LISTE_EVT  text
FORM f_create_file  USING fpu_wt_xml_table TYPE tt_xml_table
                 CHANGING fpc_wa_liste_evt TYPE t_wa_liste_evt.

  FIELD-SYMBOLS : <f_fieldname>  TYPE ANY,
                  <f_value>  TYPE ANY,
                  <wa>  TYPE ANY.
  DATA : wlv_fieldname  TYPE char15,
         wlv_fieldvalue TYPE char20,
         wlv_count      TYPE i VALUE 1,
         wla_xml_wa     TYPE t_xml_list,
         wla_psl        TYPE t_wa_psl ,
         wla_evt        TYPE t_evt.

  DATA : BEGIN OF wlt_psl,
          psl TYPE tt_psl,
         END OF wlt_psl.

  LOOP AT fpu_wt_xml_table INTO wla_xml_wa FROM 3.
    IF wla_xml_wa-name = wc_flg_typ    OR
       wla_xml_wa-name = wc_cod_soc    OR
       wla_xml_wa-name = wc_num_uat_tc OR
       wla_xml_wa-name = wc_dat_etd    OR
       wla_xml_wa-name = wc_num_evt.

      wlv_fieldname = wla_xml_wa-name.
      wlv_fieldvalue = wla_xml_wa-value.
      CONDENSE wlv_fieldname.
      ASSIGN wlv_fieldname TO <f_fieldname>.
      ASSIGN wlv_fieldvalue TO <f_value>.
      ASSIGN COMPONENT <f_fieldname> OF STRUCTURE wla_evt TO <wa>.
      <wa> = <f_value>.

      UNASSIGN : <wa>, <f_fieldname>, <f_value>.
      CLEAR : wlv_fieldname, wlv_fieldvalue .

       wla_xml_wa-name = wc_num_ord     OR
       wla_xml_wa-name = wc_cod_psl     OR
       wla_xml_wa-name = wc_lib_psl     OR
       wla_xml_wa-name = wc_cod_pro     OR
       wla_xml_wa-name = wc_cod_sta     OR
       wla_xml_wa-name = wc_dat_prv     OR
       wla_xml_wa-name = wc_dat_prv_rea OR
       wla_xml_wa-name = wc_dat_eff     OR
       wla_xml_wa-name = wc_dat_cre     OR
       wla_xml_wa-name = wc_com1        OR
       wla_xml_wa-name = wc_flg_ale     OR
       wla_xml_wa-name = wc_cod_inct    OR
       wla_xml_wa-name = wc_cod_vil     OR
       wla_xml_wa-name = wc_cod_trs     OR
       wla_xml_wa-name = wc_cod_trs_mlt_stp .

      wlv_fieldname = wla_xml_wa-name.
      wlv_fieldvalue = wla_xml_wa-value.

      CONDENSE wlv_fieldname.
      ASSIGN wlv_fieldname TO <f_fieldname>.
      ASSIGN wlv_fieldvalue TO <f_value>.
      ASSIGN COMPONENT <f_fieldname> OF STRUCTURE wla_psl TO <wa>.
      <wa> = <f_value>.
      IF wlv_fieldname = wc_cod_trs_mlt_stp.
        APPEND wla_psl TO wlt_psl-psl.
        CLEAR wla_psl.
        wlv_count = wlv_count + 1.
      UNASSIGN : <wa>, <f_fieldname>, <f_value>.
      CLEAR : wlv_fieldname, wlv_fieldvalue .
      wla_xml_wa-name = wc_evt AND wlv_count <> 1.
      APPEND LINES OF wlt_psl-psl TO wla_evt-liste_psl-psl.
      APPEND wla_evt TO fpc_wa_liste_evt-liste_evt-evt.
      CLEAR : wlt_psl-psl[], wla_evt .

  APPEND LINES OF wlt_psl-psl TO wla_evt-liste_psl-psl.
  APPEND wla_evt TO fpc_wa_liste_evt-liste_evt-evt.
  CLEAR wla_evt .

  FREE : wlt_psl-psl[].

ENDFORM.                    " F_CREATE_FILE

Aug 23, 2011

Debugging workflows and generating sub-workflows

Debugging workflows and generating sub-workflows

Workflow Debugging
First of all, you cannot set breakpoints in a workflow, so I assume you mean that you have set a break-point in a method used in one of the task's used in your workflow?
If so, and if this task-method is a background method (i.e. a non-dialog task), debugging is not possible, since a background method, as the name states, is executed in another context in background.
To see how the workflow passes values from/to the different container's, you can use transaction SWUD (to see if the values needed for your method, are binded correctly).
Other useful tools for workflow error search, are: SWEL (first turn on even trace with SWELS) or simply look at the workitems created to see what kind of errors they may have encountered: SWI2_FREQ f.x.
If background task, I recommend you use SWUS for the specific task in question to create a WorkItem. Find the workitem with SWI2_FREQ, then display it. From there, display Container, to see the outcome.
You can debug the method, from SWO1 for the Object Type owning the method. From SWO1 simply click the test button. Then click "create instance". Execute the method for the object instance and you will be able to debug the method.

Generating Sub Workflow
1. Add one of your subflows to the main workflow as an activity step and define the binding. This subflow is just a place-holder and will be replaced by another subflow when the workflow runs.
2. In the step definition specify "Task to be determined using an expression" and specify which container element (or expression) contains the subflow ID to be used.
At run time, the place-holder subflow will be replaced by the subflow that is specified by the expression. In other words this expression reads the table that you created to find the subworkflow to call and this subworkflow is called by the main workflow instead of the (static) place-holder subflow.
Finding out the Object Types involved
  • Switch the event trace ON (Tcode SWELS), carry out your transaction and view the event log (Tcode SWEL).
  • If there is a standard event then the trace will tell you the name of the object and the event raised.
  • Otherwise create your own object and events and trigger it (them) using FM "SWE_EVENT_CREATE".

LSMW Step by Step

LSMW Step by Step

Go to transaction LSMW.
Enter Project name    : zkn_lsmw.
      Subproject name : zkn_lsmw.
      Object name     : zkn_lsmw.
Click on Create entry (Shift+f1) button.
It will ask for description, Give description for
      Project name    : zkn_lsmw project.
      Subproject name : zkn_lsmw subproject.
      Object name     : zkn_lsmw object.
Click on Continue(f8) button.
It will takes u 2 the LSMW steps screen and first step radio button already selected. 

Step1  ( Maitain object attributes ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
"LSM Workbench: Change object attributes" screen will appear.
Select Batch Input Rcording radio button.
Give Recording : zkn_rec and press Recordings:Overview button.
"Recordings of project 'ZKN_LSMW' : Overview" screen will apper.
Click on Create Recording(ctrl+f1) button.
It will gives u a small popup screen, here u can give
                Recording   : zkn_rec
                Description : zkn_rec recording
                Owner       : OBTDEV10, press Enter.
It will ask u for Transaction code.
                Transaction code : zknmp, press enter.
It will takes u 2 the zknmo transaction.
Give dummy vales and come back.
It takes u 2 the "Create Recording" screen.
Select 'BDC_CURSOR' and press 'Default all' button.
It will gives the Information popup screen, press 'Enter'.
Save and Back.
Then Back.
Then Save and Back.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and second radio button will checked here already. 

Step2  ( Maitain source structures ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
"LSM Workbench: Change source structures" screen will appear.
Click on 'Create structure (ctrl+f4)' button.
It will gives a popup screen, here u can give
                Source structure : zkn_str
                Description      : zkn_str source structure, and press enter.
Then Save and Back.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and third radio button will checked here already. 

Step3  ( Maitain source fields ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
"LSM Workbench: Change source fields" screen will appear.
Select zkn_str and press 'Copy fields (ctrl+f8)' button.
It will gives a popup screen, here u can select
                From data file (field names in 1 line ) radio button, and press 'Enter'.
It will gives another popup screen, here u can give
                Number of fields  : 6
                Max.Record length : 100 , and press 'Enter'.
It will gives another popup screen, here u can give path
                File name : "c:\windows\desktop\text.txt"
                Data format : ASC, and press 'Tranfer' button.
Then Save and Back.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and fourth radio button will checked here already. 

Step4  ( Maitain structure relations ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
"LSM Workbench: Change structure relations" screen will appear.
Save and Back.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and fifth radio button will checked here already. 

Step5  ( Maitain field mapping coversion rules ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
"LSM Workbench: Change field mapping coversion rules" screen will appear.
Select fields one by one and press 'Source field(ctrl+f2)' button.
It will givs u a popup screen, here u select related source field and press 'Enter'.
Repeate this process for all fields.
Then Save and Back.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and 6th radio button will checked here already. 

Step6  ( Maintain fixed values, translations, user-defined routines ) :-
Here we con't do any thing.
Select next radio button(7th). 

Step7  ( Specify files ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
"LSM Workbench: Specify files (Change)" screen will appear.
Select "Legacy data" and press 'Create entery(ctrl+f2)' button.
It gives a "File on front end : Edit properties" popup screen.
Here        File        : "c:\windoes\desktop\text.txt"
                Description : Data uploading using LSMW
                Select 'Tabulator' radio button.
                Check 'Field names at the beginning of the file'.
                Uncheck 'Order of fields as in source structure definition.
Press 'Enter'.
Then Save and Back.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and 8th radio button will checked here already. 

Step8  ( Assign files ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
"LSM Workbench: Assign files (Change)" screen will appear.
Then Save and Back.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and 9th radio button will checked here already. 

Step9  ( Read data ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
"LSM Workbench: Read data for zkn_lsmw, zkn_lsmw, zkn_lsmw" screen will appear.
Give Transaction number 1 to 100, press 'Execute(f8)' button.
Back and Back.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and 10th radio button will checked here already. 

Step10  ( Display read data ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
It will gives a popup screen, give
                From line : 1
                To line   : 100, press 'Enter'.
"LSM Workbench: Display read data" screen will appear.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and 11th radio button will checked here already. 

Step11  ( Convert data ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
"LSM Workbench: Convert data for zkn_lsmw, zkn_lsmw, zkn_lsmw" screen will appear.
Give Transaction number 1 to 100, press 'Execute(f8)' button.
Back and Back.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and 12th radio button will checked here already. 

Step12  ( Display converted data ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
It will gives a popup screen, give
                From line : 1
                To line   : 100, press 'Enter'.
"LSM Workbench: Display converted data" screen will appear.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and 13th radio button will checked here already. 

Step13  ( Create batch input session ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
"LSM Workbench: Create batch input session" screen will appear.
Check 'Keep batch input session(s)?' check box, and press 'Execute(f8)' button.
It will gives an Information popup screen , press 'Enter'.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and 14th radio button will checked here already. 

Step14  ( Run batch input session ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
"Batch input : Session ovrview" screen will appear.
Press 'Process(f8)' button.
It will gives a popup screen.
Select run mode Background/foreground , and press 'Process' button.
It will takes u 2 the actual transaction if u selected foreground option.

Data upload using "LSMW" is successfully done.
Go to se11 and check for the data uploaded or not.