Jun 28, 2024

How to send messages to other users in the SAP system using the SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 function module?


How to send messages to other users in the SAP system using the SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 function module?

Program Codes:

REPORT zsend_chat.

DATAlv_sender     TYPE sy-uname,
      lv_recipient  TYPE sy-uname,
      lw_docdata    TYPE sodocchgi1,
      lv_subject    TYPE so_obj_des,
      lv_message    TYPE solisti1,
      lt_message    TYPE TABLE OF solisti1,
      lt_recipients TYPE TABLE OF somlreci1,
      ls_recipients TYPE somlreci1,
      lv_obj_id     TYPE sofolenti1,
      lv_commit     TYPE LENGTH 1.

            p_subj TYPE so_obj_des OBLIGATORY DEFAULT 'Msg Title',
            p_mesg TYPE string     OBLIGATORY DEFAULT 'Test message to user DC001'.

  " Initialize sender and recipient
  lv_sender            sy-uname.
  lv_recipient         p_recp.
  lv_subject           p_subj.
  lv_message-line      p_mesg.
  lw_docdata-OBJ_NAME  =
  lw_docdata-OBJ_DESCR p_subj.

  " Prepare message content
  APPEND lv_message TO lt_message.

  " Prepare recipient
  ls_recipients-receiver lv_recipient.
  ls_recipients-rec_type 'B'" 'B' for user in the system
  APPEND ls_recipients TO lt_recipients.

  " Send message
      document_data              lw_docdata
      put_in_outbox              'X'
      commit_work                'X'
      object_content             lt_message
      receivers                  lt_recipients
      too_many_receivers         1
      document_not_sent          2
      document_type_not_exist    3
      operation_no_authorization 4
      parameter_error            5
      x_error                    6
      enqueue_error              7
      OTHERS                     8.

  IF sy-subrc 0.
    WRITE'Message sent successfully to'lv_recipient.
    WRITE'Failed to send message. Error code:'sy-subrc.

Code Explanation

  1. Parameter Declarations:

    • p_recipient: The username of the recipient.
    • p_subject: The subject of the message.
    • p_message: The message content.
  2. Data Declarations:

    • lv_sender: The sender's username (current user).
    • lv_recipient: The recipient's username.
    • lv_subject: The subject of the message.
    • lv_message: The message line.
    • lt_message: Table to hold the message content.
    • lt_recipients: Table to hold the recipients.
    • ls_recipients: Structure to hold recipient information.
  3. Message Preparation:

    • The message content is appended to lt_message.
    • The recipient information is appended to lt_recipients.
  4. Send Message:

    • The SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 function module is called to send the message.
    • put_in_outbox ensures the message is put in the outbox.
    • commit_work ensures the changes are committed.
  5. Result Handling:

    • The program checks the return code sy-subrc to determine if the message was sent successfully or if there was an error.

This sample program sends a simple message to another user in the SAP system. Adjust the parameters and content as needed for your specific use case.

Jun 22, 2024

How to Generate a Dynamic Internal Table and Display it in ALV (Program Sample)

Generate a Dynamic Internal Table and Display it in ALV (Program Sample)


Create an ALV list to display the number of allocated seats for airlines daily. 
The daily columns should be dynamic according to the number of days in a month.

ABAP Codes:

*& Report ZDI_DINTAB2
REPORT zdi_dintab2.

*& Data Declaration

DATAt_sflight TYPE TABLE OF sflight.

* Dynamic Table Declarations
DATA t_table TYPE REF TO data,
       w_line  TYPE REF TO data,
       w_line1 TYPE REF TO data,
       w_fcat  TYPE lvc_s_fcat,
       t_fcat  TYPE lvc_t_fcat.

* Field Symbols Declarations
               <dyn_line>  TYPE any,
               <dyn_line1> TYPE any,
               <fs1>       TYPE any.

*& Seletion Screens
PARAMETERS:    p_carrid TYPE sflight-carrid DEFAULT 'AZ'.
PARAMETERS:    p_spmon  TYPE s002-spmon DEFAULT '202403'"sy-datum(6).
SELECT-OPTIONS s_connid FOR  sflight-connid.
SELECT-OPTIONS s_fldate FOR  sflight-fldate NO-DISPLAY.

*& PAI
  PERFORM pai.

*& Start of Selection
  PERFORM get_data.
  PERFORM create_dyn_tab.

*& End of Selection
  PERFORM dispaly_alv.

*& Form pai
*& text
FORM pai .

  DATA lv_pos    TYPE i,
         lv_day(2TYPE n,
         lv_fname  TYPE string.

  IF sy-ucomm 'ONLI'.

    <ls_fldate>-sign   'I'.
    <ls_fldate>-option 'BT'.
    <ls_fldate>-low    p_spmon && '01'.

        i_datum <ls_fldate>-low
        e_tt    v_last_day.

    <ls_fldate>-high   p_spmon && v_last_day.

    "Build the columns: CARRID, CONNID, DAY01, DAY02, DAY03, etc
    CLEAR w_fcat.
    ADD TO lv_pos.
    w_fcat-fieldname 'CARRID'.
    w_fcat-outputlen 7.
    w_fcat-tabname   'IT_SEATS'.
    w_fcat-coltext   'Airline'(001).
    w_fcat-col_pos   lv_pos.
    w_fcat-key       'X'.
    w_fcat-key_sel   'X'.
    APPEND w_fcat TO t_fcat.

    CLEAR w_fcat.
    ADD TO lv_pos.
    w_fcat-fieldname 'CONNID'.
    w_fcat-outputlen 4.
    w_fcat-tabname   'IT_SEATS'.
    w_fcat-coltext   'Connect'(002).
    w_fcat-col_pos   lv_pos.
    w_fcat-key       'X'.
    w_fcat-key_sel   'X'.
    APPEND w_fcat TO t_fcat.

    DO v_last_day TIMES.
      CLEAR w_fcat.
      ADD TOlv_poslv_day.
      lv_fname |DAY| && lv_day.
      READ TABLE t_fcat INTO w_fcat WITH KEY fieldname lv_fname.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        w_fcat-fieldname lv_fname.
        w_fcat-tabname   'IT_SEATS'.
        w_fcat-coltext   lv_day.
        w_fcat-col_pos   lv_pos.
        w_fcat-outputlen 8.
        APPEND w_fcat TO t_fcat.


*& Form get_data
*& text
FORM get_data .

  DATAlw_new TYPE sflight.

  SELECT FROM sflight
    INTO TABLE t_sflight
    WHERE carrid EQ p_carrid
      AND connid IN s_connid
      AND fldate IN s_fldate.
  IF sy-subrc IS NOT INITIAL.
    MESSAGE e398(00WITH 'Data not found'(e01'' '' ''.

    "Add more data
    READ TABLE t_sflight INTO DATA(lw_sflINDEX 1.
    lw_new lw_sfl.

    lw_new-connid '0017'.
    lw_new-fldate p_spmon && |01|lw_new-seatsocc 180.
    APPEND lw_new TO t_sflight.
    lw_new-fldate p_spmon && |03|lw_new-seatsocc 355.
    APPEND lw_new TO t_sflight.
    lw_new-fldate p_spmon && |08|lw_new-seatsocc 222.
    APPEND lw_new TO t_sflight.
    lw_new-fldate p_spmon && |12|lw_new-seatsocc 213.
    APPEND lw_new TO t_sflight.

    lw_new-connid '0064'.
    lw_new-fldate p_spmon && |02|lw_new-seatsocc 301.
    APPEND lw_new TO t_sflight.
    lw_new-fldate p_spmon && |08|lw_new-seatsocc 335.
    APPEND lw_new TO t_sflight.
    lw_new-fldate p_spmon && |19|lw_new-seatsocc 89.
    APPEND lw_new TO t_sflight.

    lw_new-connid '0055'.
    lw_new-fldate p_spmon && |20|lw_new-seatsocc 189.
    APPEND lw_new TO t_sflight.

    lw_new-connid '0108'.
    lw_new-fldate p_spmon && |04|lw_new-seatsocc 370.
    APPEND lw_new TO t_sflight.
    lw_new-fldate p_spmon && |31|lw_new-seatsocc 323.
    APPEND lw_new TO t_sflight.

    lw_new-connid '0300'.
    lw_new-fldate p_spmon && |15|lw_new-seatsocc 300.
    APPEND lw_new TO t_sflight.
    lw_new-fldate p_spmon && |16|lw_new-seatsocc 299.
    APPEND lw_new TO t_sflight.

    SORT t_sflight.

*& Form create_dyn_tab
*& text
FORM create_dyn_tab .

  DATA lv_fldate TYPE sy-datum.

  "Create a dynamic internal table with this structure.
  CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
      i_style_table             'X'
      it_fieldcatalog           t_fcat
      ep_table                  t_table
      generate_subpool_dir_full 1
      OTHERS                    2.

  IF sy-subrc EQ 0.

    "Assign the new table to field symbol
    ASSIGN t_table->TO <dyn_table>.
    "Create dynamic work area for the dynamic table
    CREATE DATA w_line  LIKE LINE OF <dyn_table>ASSIGN w_line->*  TO <dyn_line>.
    CREATE DATA w_line1 LIKE LINE OF <dyn_table>ASSIGN w_line1->TO <dyn_line1>.

    "Populate the dynamic table
    LOOP AT t_sflight INTO DATA(lw_sflight).
      "Avoid duplicate entries for key field PART.
      READ TABLE <dyn_table> INTO <dyn_line1>
        WITH KEY ('CARRID'lw_sflight-carrid
      IF sy-subrc 0.

      "Airline Code
      CHECK <fs1> IS ASSIGNED.
      <fs1> lw_sflight-carrid.
      UNASSIGN <fs1>.

      "Flight Connection
      CHECK <fs1> IS ASSIGNED.
      <fs1> lw_sflight-connid.
      UNASSIGN <fs1>.

      LOOP AT t_fcat INTO w_fcat.
        IF w_fcat-fieldname 'CARRID' OR
           w_fcat-fieldname 'CONNID'.

            lv_fldate p_spmon && w_fcat-coltext.
            DATA(lw_sflight1t_sflight[ carrid lw_sflight-carrid
                                           connid lw_sflight-connid
                                           fldate lv_fldate ].
            ASSIGN COMPONENT w_fcat-fieldname OF STRUCTURE <dyn_line> TO <fs1>.
            IF <fs1> IS ASSIGNED.
              <fs1> lw_sflight1-seatsocc.
              UNASSIGN <fs1>.
          CATCH cx_sy_itab_line_not_found.
            "next data

        CLEAR lw_sflight1.

      APPEND <dyn_line> TO <dyn_table>.


*& Form dispaly_alv
*& text
FORM dispaly_alv .

  DATA lw_alv_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv,
         lt_alv_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
         lw_layout       TYPE slis_layout_alv,
         lv_pos          TYPE i.

  lw_layout-colwidth_optimize =
  lw_layout-zebra             abap_true.

  LOOP AT t_fcat INTO w_fcat.
    lv_pos lv_pos + 1.
    lw_alv_fieldcat-fieldname     w_fcat-fieldname.
    lw_alv_fieldcat-tabname       w_fcat-tabname.
    lw_alv_fieldcat-seltext_l     w_fcat-coltext.
    lw_alv_fieldcat-outputlen     w_fcat-outputlen.
    lw_alv_fieldcat-col_pos       lv_pos.
    lw_alv_fieldcat-do_sum        w_fcat-do_sum.
    lw_alv_fieldcat-emphasize     w_fcat-emphasize.
    lw_alv_fieldcat-key           w_fcat-key.
    lw_alv_fieldcat-no_out        w_fcat-no_out.
    APPEND lw_alv_fieldcat TO lt_alv_fieldcat.

      i_callback_program sy-repid
      it_fieldcat        lt_alv_fieldcat
      is_layout          lw_layout
      i_default          'X'
      i_save             'A'
      t_outtab           <dyn_table>.


Testing Result:

Period 03.2024 (March) 
Expectation: Daily Columns = 31 

Period 02.2024 (February) 
Expectation: Daily Columns = 29