May 16, 2012
A simple code of Progress Indicator
A simple code of progress indicator:
DATA: a LIKE sy-ucomm.
a(3) = sy-index.a+3 = '%'.
percentage = sy-index
text = a.
May 9, 2012
User Exits / BADI for PO and MIGO
User exits for MIGO:
MBCF0002 Customer function exit: Segment text in material doc. item
MBCF0005 Material document item for goods receipt/issue slip
MBCF0006 Customer function for WBS element
MBCF0007 Customer function exit: Updating a reservation
MBCF0009 Filling the storage location field
MBCF0010 Customer exit: Create reservation BAPI_RESERVATION_CREATE1
MBCF0011 Read From RESB and RKPF For Print List in MB26
MBCFC003 Maintenance of batch master data for goods movements
MBCFC004 Maintenance of batch specifications for goods movements
MB_CF001 Customer Function Exit in the Case of Updating a Mat. Doc.
User exit for CO01 ( Create PO):
CCOWB001 Customer exit for modifying menu entries
COIB0001 Customer Exit for As-Built Assignment Tool
COZF0001 Change purchase req. for externally processed operation
COZF0002 Change purchase req. for externally procured component
PPCO0001 Application development: PP orders
PPCO0002 Check exit for setting delete mark / deletion indicator
PPCO0003 Check exit for order changes from sales order
PPCO0004 Sort and processing exit: Mass processing orders
PPCO0005 Storage location/backflushing when order is created
PPCO0006 Enhancement to specify defaults for fields in order header
PPCO0007 Exit when saving production order
PPCO0008 Enhancement in the adding and changing of components
PPCO0009 Enhancement in goods movements for prod. process order
PPCO0010 Enhancement in make-to-order production - Unit of measure
PPCO0012 Production Order: Display/Change Order Header Data
PPCO0013 Change priorities of selection crit. for batch determination
PPCO0015 Additional check for document links from BOMs
PPCO0016 Additional check for document links from master data
PPCO0017 Additional check for online processing of document links
PPCO0018 Check for changes to production order header
PPCO0019 Checks for changes to order operations
PPCO0021 Release Control for Automatic Batch Determination
PPCO0022 Determination of Production Memo
PPCO0023 Checks Changes to Order Components
STATTEXT Modification exit for formatting
User exits available for ME21N:
AMPL0001 User subscreen for additional data on AMPL
LMEDR001 Enhancements to print program
LMELA002 Adopt batch no. from shipping notification when posting a GR
LMELA010 Inbound shipping notification: Transfer item data from IDOC
LMEQR001 User exit for source determination
LMEXF001 Conditions in Purchasing Documents Without Invoice Receipt
LWSUS001 Customer-Specific Source Determination in Retail
M06B0001 Role determination for purchase requisition release
M06B0002 Changes to comm. structure for purchase requisition release
M06B0003 Number range and document number
M06B0004 Number range and document number
M06B0005 Changes to comm. structure for overall release of requisn.
M06E0004 Changes to communication structure for release purch. doc.
M06E0005 Role determination for release of purchasing documents
ME590001 Grouping of requsitions for PO split in ME59
MEETA001 Define schedule line type (backlog, immed. req., preview)
MEFLD004 Determine earliest delivery date f. check w. GR (only PO)
MELAB001 Gen. forecast delivery schedules: Transfer schedule implem.
MEQUERY1 Enhancement to Document Overview ME21N/ME51N
MEVME001 WE default quantity calc. and over/ underdelivery tolerance
MM06E001 User exits for EDI inbound and outbound purchasing documents
MM06E003 Number range and document number
MM06E004 Control import data screens in purchase order
MM06E005 Customer fields in purchasing document
MM06E007 Change document for requisitions upon conversion into PO
MM06E008 Monitoring of contr. target value in case of release orders
MM06E009 Relevant texts for "Texts exist" indicator
MM06E010 Field selection for vendor address
MMAL0001 ALE source list distribution: Outbound processing
MMAL0002 ALE source list distribution: Inbound processing
MMAL0003 ALE purcasing info record distribution: Outbound processing
MMAL0004 ALE purchasing info record distribution: Inbound processing
MMDA0001 Default delivery addresses
MMFAB001 User exit for generation of release order
MRFLB001 Control Items for Contract Release Order
BADI available for PO:
EXTENSION_US_TAXES Extended Tax Calculation with Additional Data
ME_ACTV_CANCEL_PO BAdI for Activating the Cancel Function at Header Level
ME_BAPI_PR_CHANGE_01 BAdI: Enjoy BAPIs for Purchase Requisitions (Method Chan
ME_BAPI_PR_CHANGE_02 BAdI: Enjoy BAPIs for Purchase Requisitions (Method Chan
ME_BAPI_PR_CREATE_01 BAdI: Enjoy BAPIs for Purchase Requisitions
ME_BAPI_PR_CREATE_02 BAdI: Enjoy BAPIs for Purchase Requisitions (Method Crea
ME_BSART_DET Change document type for automatically generated POs
ME_CCP_BESWK_AUTH_CH BAdI for authorization checks for procuring plant
ME_CCP_DEL_DURATION Calc. of Delivery Duration in CCP Process (Not in Standa
ME_CHANGE_CHARACTER Customer-Specific Characteristics for Product Allocation
ME_CHECK_ALL_ITEMS Run Through Items Again in the Event of Changes in EKKO
ME_CHECK_SOURCES Additional Checks in Source Determination/Checking
ME_CIN_LEINRF2R BADI for CIN India - Delivery charges
ME_CIN_LEINRF2V BADI for LEINRF03 excise_invoice_details
ME_CIN_MM06EFKO Copy PO data for use by Country version India
ME_CIP_ALLOW_CHANGE Configuration in Purchasing: Changeability Control
ME_COMMITMENT_STO_CH BadI for checking if commitments for STOs are active
ME_COMMTMNT_PO_REL_C Check for Commitment-Relevance of Purchase Orders
ME_COMMTMNT_REQ_RE_C Check of Commitment Relevance of Purchase Requisitions
ME_DEFINE_CALCTYPE Control of Pricing Type: Additional Fields
ME_GUI_PO_CUST Customer's Own Screens in Enjoy Purchase Order
ME_HOLD_PO Hold Enjoy Purchase Orders: Activation/Deactivation
ME_PO_SC_SRV BAdI: Service Tab Page for Subcontracting
ME_PROCESS_COMP Processing of Component Default Data at Time of GR: Cust
ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST Enhancements for Processing Enjoy Purchase Order: Custom
ME_PROCESS_REQ_CUST Enhancements for Processing Enjoy PReqs: Customer
ME_PURCHDOC_POSTED Purchasing Document Posted
ME_RELEASE_CREATE BAdI: Release Creation for Sched. Agreemnts with Rel. Do
ME_REQ_OI_EXT Commitment Update in the Case of External Requisitions
ME_REQ_POSTED Purchase Requisition Posted
ME_TAX_FROM_ADDRESS Tax jurisdiction code taken from address
ME_TRIGGER_ATP Triggers New ATP for Changes in EKKO, EKPO, EKPV
MM_EDI_DESADV_IN Supplementation of Delivery Interface from Purchase Orde
SMOD_MRFLB001 Control Items for Contract Release Order
Transaction codes for BADI are:
SE18 - Business Add-ins(BADI’s): Definition transaction
SE19 - Business Add-ins(BADI’s): Implementation transaction
SE24 - Class Builder
MBCF0002 Customer function exit: Segment text in material doc. item
MBCF0005 Material document item for goods receipt/issue slip
MBCF0006 Customer function for WBS element
MBCF0007 Customer function exit: Updating a reservation
MBCF0009 Filling the storage location field
MBCF0010 Customer exit: Create reservation BAPI_RESERVATION_CREATE1
MBCF0011 Read From RESB and RKPF For Print List in MB26
MBCFC003 Maintenance of batch master data for goods movements
MBCFC004 Maintenance of batch specifications for goods movements
MB_CF001 Customer Function Exit in the Case of Updating a Mat. Doc.
CCOWB001 Customer exit for modifying menu entries
COIB0001 Customer Exit for As-Built Assignment Tool
COZF0001 Change purchase req. for externally processed operation
COZF0002 Change purchase req. for externally procured component
PPCO0001 Application development: PP orders
PPCO0002 Check exit for setting delete mark / deletion indicator
PPCO0003 Check exit for order changes from sales order
PPCO0004 Sort and processing exit: Mass processing orders
PPCO0005 Storage location/backflushing when order is created
PPCO0006 Enhancement to specify defaults for fields in order header
PPCO0007 Exit when saving production order
PPCO0008 Enhancement in the adding and changing of components
PPCO0009 Enhancement in goods movements for prod. process order
PPCO0010 Enhancement in make-to-order production - Unit of measure
PPCO0012 Production Order: Display/Change Order Header Data
PPCO0013 Change priorities of selection crit. for batch determination
PPCO0015 Additional check for document links from BOMs
PPCO0016 Additional check for document links from master data
PPCO0017 Additional check for online processing of document links
PPCO0018 Check for changes to production order header
PPCO0019 Checks for changes to order operations
PPCO0021 Release Control for Automatic Batch Determination
PPCO0022 Determination of Production Memo
PPCO0023 Checks Changes to Order Components
STATTEXT Modification exit for formatting
AMPL0001 User subscreen for additional data on AMPL
LMEDR001 Enhancements to print program
LMELA002 Adopt batch no. from shipping notification when posting a GR
LMELA010 Inbound shipping notification: Transfer item data from IDOC
LMEQR001 User exit for source determination
LMEXF001 Conditions in Purchasing Documents Without Invoice Receipt
LWSUS001 Customer-Specific Source Determination in Retail
M06B0001 Role determination for purchase requisition release
M06B0002 Changes to comm. structure for purchase requisition release
M06B0003 Number range and document number
M06B0004 Number range and document number
M06B0005 Changes to comm. structure for overall release of requisn.
M06E0004 Changes to communication structure for release purch. doc.
M06E0005 Role determination for release of purchasing documents
ME590001 Grouping of requsitions for PO split in ME59
MEETA001 Define schedule line type (backlog, immed. req., preview)
MEFLD004 Determine earliest delivery date f. check w. GR (only PO)
MELAB001 Gen. forecast delivery schedules: Transfer schedule implem.
MEQUERY1 Enhancement to Document Overview ME21N/ME51N
MEVME001 WE default quantity calc. and over/ underdelivery tolerance
MM06E001 User exits for EDI inbound and outbound purchasing documents
MM06E003 Number range and document number
MM06E004 Control import data screens in purchase order
MM06E005 Customer fields in purchasing document
MM06E007 Change document for requisitions upon conversion into PO
MM06E008 Monitoring of contr. target value in case of release orders
MM06E009 Relevant texts for "Texts exist" indicator
MM06E010 Field selection for vendor address
MMAL0001 ALE source list distribution: Outbound processing
MMAL0002 ALE source list distribution: Inbound processing
MMAL0003 ALE purcasing info record distribution: Outbound processing
MMAL0004 ALE purchasing info record distribution: Inbound processing
MMDA0001 Default delivery addresses
MMFAB001 User exit for generation of release order
MRFLB001 Control Items for Contract Release Order
BADI available for PO:
EXTENSION_US_TAXES Extended Tax Calculation with Additional Data
ME_ACTV_CANCEL_PO BAdI for Activating the Cancel Function at Header Level
ME_BAPI_PR_CHANGE_01 BAdI: Enjoy BAPIs for Purchase Requisitions (Method Chan
ME_BAPI_PR_CHANGE_02 BAdI: Enjoy BAPIs for Purchase Requisitions (Method Chan
ME_BAPI_PR_CREATE_01 BAdI: Enjoy BAPIs for Purchase Requisitions
ME_BAPI_PR_CREATE_02 BAdI: Enjoy BAPIs for Purchase Requisitions (Method Crea
ME_BSART_DET Change document type for automatically generated POs
ME_CCP_BESWK_AUTH_CH BAdI for authorization checks for procuring plant
ME_CCP_DEL_DURATION Calc. of Delivery Duration in CCP Process (Not in Standa
ME_CHANGE_CHARACTER Customer-Specific Characteristics for Product Allocation
ME_CHECK_ALL_ITEMS Run Through Items Again in the Event of Changes in EKKO
ME_CHECK_SOURCES Additional Checks in Source Determination/Checking
ME_CIN_LEINRF2R BADI for CIN India - Delivery charges
ME_CIN_LEINRF2V BADI for LEINRF03 excise_invoice_details
ME_CIN_MM06EFKO Copy PO data for use by Country version India
ME_CIP_ALLOW_CHANGE Configuration in Purchasing: Changeability Control
ME_COMMITMENT_STO_CH BadI for checking if commitments for STOs are active
ME_COMMTMNT_PO_REL_C Check for Commitment-Relevance of Purchase Orders
ME_COMMTMNT_REQ_RE_C Check of Commitment Relevance of Purchase Requisitions
ME_DEFINE_CALCTYPE Control of Pricing Type: Additional Fields
ME_GUI_PO_CUST Customer's Own Screens in Enjoy Purchase Order
ME_HOLD_PO Hold Enjoy Purchase Orders: Activation/Deactivation
ME_PO_SC_SRV BAdI: Service Tab Page for Subcontracting
ME_PROCESS_COMP Processing of Component Default Data at Time of GR: Cust
ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST Enhancements for Processing Enjoy Purchase Order: Custom
ME_PROCESS_REQ_CUST Enhancements for Processing Enjoy PReqs: Customer
ME_PURCHDOC_POSTED Purchasing Document Posted
ME_RELEASE_CREATE BAdI: Release Creation for Sched. Agreemnts with Rel. Do
ME_REQ_OI_EXT Commitment Update in the Case of External Requisitions
ME_REQ_POSTED Purchase Requisition Posted
ME_TAX_FROM_ADDRESS Tax jurisdiction code taken from address
ME_TRIGGER_ATP Triggers New ATP for Changes in EKKO, EKPO, EKPV
MM_EDI_DESADV_IN Supplementation of Delivery Interface from Purchase Orde
SMOD_MRFLB001 Control Items for Contract Release Order
Transaction codes for BADI are:
SE18 - Business Add-ins(BADI’s): Definition transaction
SE19 - Business Add-ins(BADI’s): Implementation transaction
SE24 - Class Builder
May 7, 2012
Sending a Purchase Order by IDoc via EDI
PO Via EDI In the EDI scenario, you send a standard purchase order by IDoc to a vendor via EDI. Step 1: Message Control Inorder to send the Idoc the following conditions should be maintained.
Output type NACE Under "Processing Routines" Please Maintain the following "NEU" Application "EF" Processing Routine "RSNASTED" Forn Routine "EDI-PROCESSING" Medium "6"
Under "Partner Function" Please Maintain the followingMedium "6"Partner Function "VN"
Step 2: IDoc Interface Transaction: WE21 Maintain the port through which you are going to send the IDoc to the Vendor, Under Physical directory please maintain the path so that the IDoc can be stored.
Step 3: Partner Profile
Transaction: WE20 Maintain the partner type "LI" for the vendor, to whom you are going to send the PO via EDI. Please maintain the details as described below.
Under Output Options Tab Please Maintain Partner Type "LI" Message Type Partner Role "VN" Port "Maintain the port created using txn. WE21" Basic Type
Under message Control Tab Application "EF" Message Type "NEU" Process Code
Now start sending the PO to vendor as IDoc via EDI.
Output type NACE Under "Processing Routines" Please Maintain the following "NEU" Application "EF" Processing Routine "RSNASTED" Forn Routine "EDI-PROCESSING" Medium "6"
Under "Partner Function" Please Maintain the followingMedium "6"Partner Function "VN"
Step 2: IDoc Interface Transaction: WE21 Maintain the port through which you are going to send the IDoc to the Vendor, Under Physical directory please maintain the path so that the IDoc can be stored.
Step 3: Partner Profile
Transaction: WE20 Maintain the partner type "LI" for the vendor, to whom you are going to send the PO via EDI. Please maintain the details as described below.

Under Output Options Tab Please Maintain Partner Type "LI" Message Type Partner Role "VN" Port "Maintain the port created using txn. WE21" Basic Type
Under message Control Tab Application "EF" Message Type "NEU" Process Code
Now start sending the PO to vendor as IDoc via EDI.
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